Skip links

Our web design and development service covers:

  • Company logo is linked to homepage
  • Clear path to company information
  • Clear path to contact information
  • Main navigation is easily identifiable
  • Navigation labels are clear & concise
  • Number of buttons/links is reasonable
  • Links are consistent & easy to identify
  • Site search is easy to access
  • Major headings are clear & descriptive
  • Critical content is above the fold
  • Styles & colors are consistent
  • Site load time is reasonable
  • Adequate text-to-background contrast
  • Font size/spacing is easy to read
  • Flash & add-ons are used sparingly
  • Images have appropriate alt tags
  • Company logo is prominently placed
    Homepage is digestible in 5 seconds

Our web design and development service covers:

  • Business Corporate Website Design
  • PR/ Marketing Website Design
  • Optimized for mobile and 100% Responsive Web Design
  • eCommerce grocery store Web Development
  • Custom Web Application Development
  • Blog Design
  • Online Community website design
  • Forum Development
  • Android Web app
  • Classified Ads Website Design
    and more

Start your website design project with us today. Contact us via WhatsApp on 07036723420 for a free consultation.