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Top reasons your website will never do well

Search Engine Optimisation

Businesses and individuals wonder why their website isn’t really doing well, top reasons your website will never so well; are enormous.

Starting from the website design agency you contracted to help build the website, to the type of contents you have on the website and General Optimisation of the website.

When discussing top reasons your website will never do well, the power of optimisation can’t be over emphasise.  In optimisations we would be looking at :

1). Content optimisation:

  • Image optimization 
  • Text optimization

2). Design optimisation:

  • Script/code optimisation
  • Css minification
  • Js minification

3).Search engine optimization:

  • Onpage Optimisation 
  • Technical Optimisation 
  • Offpage Optimisation

A good website design company would take optimisation into top consideration to avoid these Top reasons for website not doing well. Content around your website should be well managed and images should be used strategically, we know images and videos speak a thousand words, but consciousness is key when utilising images for website layout.

Top reasons your website will never do well

Below are some hints to note:

  • Poorly structured website
  • Poor content structures and setups
  • Poor content optimisation 
  • Lack of clear content focus
  • Poor menu and navigation makeup
  • Poor schema structures 
  • Poor title and meta tags
  • Poor (SEO) search engine optimisation 
  • Poor color scheme
  • Non-attractive contents or articles
  • Inadequate page word count 
  • Poorly structured CTA’s call to action button
  • Poor User experience
  • Poor link structures

1). How can content optimization make my website perform better?

You website is sure to perform 10times better if your content are well optimized and organized. Reasons because people like to read well arranged contents of interest, neatly organized.

Website User bounce rates tend to reduce, with well optimized contents and interesting articles that catches the eyes of your users. 

Content optimization, can improve your website response time, because content optimization also involves optimization of your website images for better and faster load time, users don’t want to get tired waiting for your website to load up, as the average page load time for mobile and desktop should be 5sec anything higher than 5sec is already taking too long, and that isn’t cool.

Content delivery Networks is another cool way to help optimize your website contents particularly media asset as; images and videos

We have several CDN users could choose from these are:

Design optimization is key to every website and shouldn’t be taken for granted. Design optimization involves and includes optimizing every single code of your website.

These includes :

  1. Java script minification 
  2. Css minification 
  3. Browser cache system to reduce server response time.
  4. G-zip compression and the likes

Code Minification: The word minify simply represents compress, it is the actual process of code compression from its actual size to a relatively smaller size which doesn’t affect overall functionality of the actual code. This medium takes away unnecessary elements from the code structure, e.g space,new line and more.

Code Minification  reduces 10% – 95%of the actual code size! This ensures your website runs faster than previously.

READ ABOUT OUR Search Engine Optimisation

Most websites are dead upon arrival because the owners never had a plan of creating the required awareness, such website required, with the believe that since it’s up in the clouds it can always be spotted.

But truly, it doesn’t work that way, having a website is just the first step in the journey, search engine optimisation is a process within the journey.

The important of search engine optimization can’t be looked out by any online business owners.  Apart from it making your website visible on Google and other search platform. The focus is and should be what type of attention is my website getting. 

How well do i rank on search networks, how many returning visitors are my getting and how many users comes to my website daily.

Read more on our other articles about Search engine optimization